26-M4 District Convention

Category: Front Page Featured (Icon Articles)


The annual District 26 M-4 Convention Hotel will be the Chillicothe Fairfield. A Hospitality/Social night will be held at the new Veterans Building in Downtown Chillicothe on Friday night, March 15, at 6:00 pm, and the Convention will be held on Saturday, March 16. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. with the convention beginning at 10:00 am. Please share this notice with your club, as ALL Lions are invited to attend. 


Hospitality night is a time for some great food, fun and fellowship with other Lions, as well as an opportunity to meet this year's speaker! Clubs can bring their signature dish, or a favorite treat, to share with all Lions in attendance. If you or your club would like to reserve a food table at the hospitality event, please let DG James Pedersen know so that enough tables will be set up. 

For those of you wishing to stay in Chillicothe Friday night, the phone number for the Fairfield is 660-646-3100. 

For those reporting, please keep reports to 5 minutes and submit a written report for the permanent records of the District. Anyone wishing to speak at the convention should contact DG James so that he can review your request.


Speaker Bio: