Lions Are Fearlessly Attacking World Problems

Category: Front Page Featured (Grid Articles)

We Serve! Takes on Multiple Areas

A desire to serve others is a common theme among Lions and there are many areas that are available within Lions to take that desire and allow it to be used to benefit many.  Of course, Lions are known for being Knights of the Blind.  They are involved in many facets of sight conservation, business opportunities for the blind, low vision concerns, eye banks, and purchasing or recycling glasses.  And for over 100 years, Lions Clubs have been recognized around the world for their service to the visually impaired.  But that turned out to be only the beginning. 

Lions have joined the effort to educate people about the number 7 health killer and that is diabetes.  Almost 10% of the US population alone has diabetes and that figure is growing.  District Lions have been setting up testing events to reach people and get them started on the road to better health.  Lions attend health fairs, events, and meetings to provide diabetes screenings to local residents.  

Hunger affects so many of our citizens.  Tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, homelessness.  Various reasons can be found for Lions to get involved in battling hunger.  Lions food drives for area shelters help to ease that very basic need of survival.  Distributing food baskets at holiday time can also ease the loneliness of those confined for whatever reason.  And filling a semi'-truck with non-perishables for an afflicted area can send Lions into action. 

Do you know how the Lions work on the environment?  Lions have spent the last few years planting trees!  Those trees will grow and be a source of benefit through the oxygen released, from the shade produced and add to the beauty of our earth.  Lions work to clean the environment with Adopt-a-Highway programs and river clean-ups.  Recycling is also an active way that Lions impact the environment of our world.

And now, Lions are starting to venture into the area of pediatric cancer.  Children are a gift to the world, yet every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer and less than half of the world’s children have access to effective care. That’s why Lions and Leos are answering the call to expand access to life-saving treatment and support the children and families who need us most. More information will be coming in the future about where and how Lions of our district will be working.

Is That All?  Absolutely Not!

There are so many more.  Here are a few more areas where you will find Lions working:

  • Disaster Relief
  • Leo Clubs
  • Literacy
  • Measles
  • Youth Issues
  • Peace Poster
  • Hearing Programs
  • Eyeglass Recycling

Lions are busy around the district and around the world working to make this world a better place.